Master of Computer Science (Machine Learning and Big Data)
Graduate Certificate in Business
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
Master of Computer Science (Software Engineering)
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Mathematical Economics)
Bachelor of Communication and Media/Bachelor of Science
Graduate Diploma in Adult and Vocational Education
Bachelor of Bionanotechnology (Honours)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education
Bachelor of Public Health (Food and Society)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Economics and Finance
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Telecommunications Engineering
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar)
Master of Science and Management
Bachelor of Computer Science (Digital Systems Security)
Bachelor of Business Information Systems
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medicine
Master of Philosophy (Environmental Science)
Master of Work Health and Safety (Occupational Hygiene)
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Information Technology (eBusiness)
Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Economics and Finance
Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Primary Education (Dean's Scholar)
Master of Engineering Asset Management
Bachelor of Social Science (Sociology)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Journalism
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science (Physics)
Bachelor of Commerce (Supply Chain Management)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Game and Mobile Development)
Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting
Master of Work Health and Safety Advanced (Risk Management)
Bachelor of Commerce - Bachelor of Laws
Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics Advanced (Honours)
Bachelor of Social Science (Social Policy)
Master of Education (Educational Leadership)
Master of Business (Marketing)
Bachelor of Science Education (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Computer Science
Graduate Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Information Science)
Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Communication and Media
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physics
Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of International Studies
Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
Bachelor of Journalism - Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Science (Land and Heritage Management)
Master of Professional Accounting Advanced
Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Master of Rolling Stock Engineering
Bachelor of Bionanotechnology (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar)
Bachelor of Social Science (Social Marketing)
Master of Applied Finance (Financial Services)
Bachelor of Science (Medical Biotechnology)
Master of Computer Science (Network and Information Security)
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours)
Master of Applied Finance (Investing)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Information Sciences)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Social and Digital Innovation)
Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Science
Master of Business (Human Resource Management)
Master of Philosophy (Creative Arts and Communication)
Bachelor of Conservation Biology (Honours)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Journalism)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Sciences)
Bachelor of Mathematics (Mathematics)
Master of Science (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Master of Nursing (Mental Health)
Master of Applied Finance (Corporate Treasury)
Bachelor of Performance (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) - Bachelor of Laws
Master of Philosophy (Information Sciences)
Master of Philosophy (Physics)
Bachelor of Social Science (Human Geography)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Marketing Communication and Advertising)
Bachelor of Marine Science (Honours)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Clinical Psychology)
Bachelor of Social Science (Indigenous Studies)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Global Screen Media)
Bachelor of Medical Mathematics (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Communication and Media - Bachelor of Economics and Finance
Bachelor of Arts (Chinese (Mandarin) for Non-Chinese Background Students)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Engineering)
Bachelor of Education - The Early Years (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Arts (Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Health and Medicine)
Bachelor of Exercise Science and Rehabilitation
Master of Laws (Criminal Practice)
Bachelor of Commerce - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Events
Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Science (Nuclear Science and Technology)
Graduate Certificate in Autism
Master of Science (Medical Radiation Physics)
Bachelor of Commerce - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
International Graduate Diploma in Science
Master of Research (Engineering and Information Sciences)
Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Social Science
Bachelor of Computer Science (Big Data)
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences
Master of Education (Higher Education)
Master of Work Health and Safety Advanced (Ergonomics)
Bachelor of Science (Medicinal Chemistry)
Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours)
Master of Education (Interdisciplinary Studies in Education)
Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Humanities)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Science (Physics)/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Financial Planning)
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Risk Management and Insurance)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Environmental Engineering
Master of Education (Adult and Vocational Education)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Science)
Bachelor of Commerce (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology and Ancient History)
Bachelor of Business Information Systems (Honours)
Bachelor of Public Health (Social Epidemiology)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Materials Engineering
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours)
Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Conservation Biology (Honours) (Dean's Scholar)
Master of Philosophy (Electromaterials)
Graduate Certificate in Nursing
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network Design and Management)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholars)
Master of Autism
Master of Education (Special Education)
Master of Philosophy (Engineering)
Bachelor of Commerce (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Mathematics
Master of Engineering (Innovative Manufacturing)
Master of Education (Information and Communication Technology in Education and Training)
Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning Practices
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Mathematics (Mathematics and Statistics)
Master of Business (Financial Management)
Master of Health Leadership and Management
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry)
Bachelor of Science Advanced (Honours) (Physics)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Flexible First Year
Master of Work Health and Safety (Risk Management)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Health and Society)
Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)
Master of Work Health and Safety (Ergonomics)
Master of Philosophy (Health and Society)
Master of Business (International Business)
Master of Information Technology Management
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music)
Master of Philosophy (Psychology)
Bachelor of Science (Physical Geography and Environmental Geosciences)
Bachelor of Science Advanced (Honours) (Atmospheric Science)
Bachelor of International Studies (Global Screen Media)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Master of Engineering (Mechatronic Engineering)
Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance
Bachelor of Medical Mathematics (Dean's Scholar)
Master of Philosophy (Health Science and Medicine)
Bachelor of Communication and Media / Bachelor of International Studies
Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Science
Master of Computer Science (Intelligent Systems)
Master of Work Health and Safety Advanced
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Mechanical Engineering
MBA - Master of Business Administration Advanced
Bachelor of Health Science (Indigenous Health)
Graduate Certificate in Gerontology and Rehabilitation Studies
Bachelor of Social Science (Public Health)
Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours) (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Mining Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical Engineering
Master of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Master of Philosophy (Nursing)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Arts
Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology)
Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Honours)
Master of Philosophy (Education)
Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Laws
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Education)
Master of Science (Project Management)
Bachelor of Science Advanced (Honours) (Biomolecular Physics)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Web Design and Development)
Bachelor of Information Technology/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of International Studies - Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Law
Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing
Master of Science (Gerontology and Rehabilitation Studies)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Mechatronic
Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced (Honours)
Master of Science (Environmental Biology)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mathematics
Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (Honours)
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) (Dean's Scholar)
Master of Philosophy (Biofabrication)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Geography and Sustainable Communities)
Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Communication and Media
Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning)
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of International Studies
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
Master of Engineering (Asset Management)
Master of Engineering (Mining Engineering)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Engineering)
Bachelor of International Studies (Global Media and Communication)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
Bachelor of Marine Science (Honours) (Dean's Scholar)
Bachelor of Science (Conservation Biology)
Master of Philosophy (Geography and Sustainable Communities)
Master of Education Advanced (Educational Leadership)
Master of Science (Medicinal Chemistry)
Bachelor of International Studies (Global Sustainable Development)
Bachelor of Public Health (Honours)
Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Digital and Social Media)
Graduate Certificate in Rolling Stock Engineering
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Visual Communication Design)
Bachelor of Public Health (Health Promotion)
Bachelor of Science (Human Geography)
Graduate Certificate in Medical Education
Graduate Certificate in Dementia Care
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Humanities)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Integrated (Psychology)
Bachelor of Commerce - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism