Master of International Economics and Finance (5590)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Chemical Engineering/Extended
Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Energy (5682)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) (2423)
Master of Information Technology (5581)
Master of Molecular Biology Research Extensive (5624)
Graduate Certificate in International Relations (5643)
Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science (5086)
Master of Agricultural Science (5563)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Mathematics and Physics Education
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computer Science / Extended
Master of Business Psychology (5665)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Dentistry
Bachelors of Arts/Education (Secondary) (2066)
Graduate Certificate in Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (5451)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Architecture
Master of Clinical Psychology (5164)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Geographical Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation (5438)
Master of Science (5244) Specialisation in Statistics
Bachelors of Economics/Laws (Honours) (2364)
Graduate Diploma in Economics (5077)
Graduate Certificate in Music (5299)
Master of Bioinformatics (5541)
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) (2378)
Bachelors of Agribusiness/Equine Science (2389)
Master of International Relations (5639)
Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning (Honours) (2381)
Bachelor of Veterinary Technology (2387)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Chinese/Extended
Master of Bioinformatics Research Extensive (5628)
Master of Leadership in Global Development (5669)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) (2243)
Graduate Diploma in Museum Studies (5342)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Zoology (Dual Major)
Master of Heritage Management (5636)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Political Science/Extended
Master of Advanced Economics (5657)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ( ...
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Ecology (Dual Major)
Graduate Certificate in Animal Science (5565)
Master of International Economics and Finance (5185)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Drama/Extended
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Earth and Environmental Sciences
Bachelors of Journalism/Laws (Honours) (2365)
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (5090)
Graduate Certificate in Interaction Design (5369)
Master of Development Economics (5469)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Food Science and Nutrition (Dual Major)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering (Du ...
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Food Science and Technology / Extended
Master of Applied Linguistics (5592)
Bachelors of Biomedical Science/Science (2416)
Graduate Diploma in Interaction Design (5370)
Master of Engineering (5674) in Chemical Engineering
Master of Food Science and Technology (5575)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Veterinary Sciences
Master of Economics and Public Policy (5545)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Chemical and Biological Engineering (D ...
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Popular Music and Technology
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Biomedical Sciences
Bachelors of Arts/International Hotel and Tourism Management (2206)
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) (2033)
Graduate Certificate in Writing, Editing and Publishing (5678)
Bachelors of Engineering (Honours)/Arts (2343)
Doctor of Veterinary Clinical Science (7603)
Master of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management (5585)
Bachelors of Engineering (Honours)/Science (2347)
Bachelors of Business Management/Science (2081)
Bachelors of Science/Education (Secondary) (2110)
Bachelor of Veterinary Technology (Honours) (2422)
Bachelor of Commerce (2024) Specialisation in Business Information Systems
Master of Tourism Leadership (5549)
Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (5448)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Russian
Master of Molecular Biology Research Extensive (5625)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Film and Television Studies
Master of Development Economics (5587)
Bachelors of Business Management/Laws (Honours) (2362)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Mining Engineering / Extended
Master of Teaching (Secondary) (5685)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in English/Extended
Graduate Certificate in Economic Studies (5602)
Master of Applied Econometrics (5603)
Graduate Diploma in Molecular Biology (5127)
Doctor of Medicine (MD-Ochsner) (5579)
Master of Museum Studies (5343)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Microbiology (Dual Major)
Graduate Diploma in Computer Science (5520)
Bachelors of Engineering (Honours)/Biotechnology (Honours) (2348)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Classical Languages/Extended
Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture (2386)
Bachelors of Business Management /Education (Secondary) (2273)
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (5319)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Strategy and International Business
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Law
Bachelors of Business Management/Commerce (2076)
Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Science (5611)
Master of Petroleum Engineering (5662)
Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning (2063)
Bachelors of Commerce /Information Technology (2223)
Graduate Diploma in Science (5240)
Master of Mineral Resources (5196)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) (2412)
Graduate Certificate in Communication (5336)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Indonesian/Extended
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Computer Science (Dual Major)
Bachelor of Equine Science (Honours) (2417)
Master of Teaching (Primary) (5556)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in English Literature/Extended
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Biophysics (Dual major)
Bachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education (Honours) (2372)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Biomedical Science (Dual M ...
Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours) (2376)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Psychology / Extended
Masters of International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies (5688)
Master of Molecular Biology (5600)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Genetics
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Microbiology
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Communication and Arts
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Physics / Extended
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Finance
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Historical and Philosophical Inquiry
Graduate Diploma in Magnetic Resonance Technology (5096)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Mathematics/Extended
Master of Environmental Management (5174)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Electrical Engineering / Extended
Graduate Certificate in Executive Leadership (5416)
Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) (2317)
Graduate Certificate in Food Science and Technology (5566)
Master of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management (5548)
Bachelors of Engineering (Honours)/Mathematics (2401)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in International Relations/Extended
Bachelors of Agribusiness/Wildlife Science (2392)
Master of Financial Mathematics (5572)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Bachelor of International Studies (2316)
Graduate Certificate in Economics (5010)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Journalism and Mass Communication
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in German/Extended
Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (5116)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Spanish/Extended
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Zoology
Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours) (2380)
Graduate Certificate in Urban and Regional Planning (5068)
Graduate Certificate in Mediation and Conflict Resolution (5454)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Geological Sciences / Extended
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Accounting
Graduate Certificate in Business Research Methods (5649)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Geography/Extended
Bachelors of Mathematics/Business Management (2410)
Bachelor of Business Management (Honours) (2129)
Master of Engineering (5674) in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (2379)
Bachelors of Communication/ Journalism (2283)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Writing/Extended
Bachelors of Computer Science/Arts (2426)
Master of Conservation Biology (5551)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Chemistry (Dual Major)
Bachelors of Mathematics/Economics (2395)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Medicine
Bachelors of Music (Honours)/Education (Secondary) (2357)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Communication and Arts
Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) (2375)
Master of International Relations (5641)
Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy (5683)
Bachelors of Science/Laws (Honours) (2366)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Political Science and International Studies
Master of Applied Econometrics (5632)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Professional Writing and Communication
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Civil Engineering
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Languages and Cultures
Master of Speech Pathology Studies (5228)
Master of Occupational Health and Safety Science (5558)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Philosophy/Extended
Master of Engineering (5674) in Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Specialisation in Animal and Veterinary Bioscience - Gatton (2354)
Bachelors of Music (Honours)/Science (2406)
Master of Development Practice (5594)
Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) (2370)
Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness (5007)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Mechatronic Engineering (Extended Major)
Bachelors of Mathematics/Computer Science (2429)
Graduate Certificate in Commerce (5326)
Master of Health Economics (5589)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Law
Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (5593)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Master of Animal Science (5570)
Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours) (2424)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Ancient History/History
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Art History/Extended
Bachelor of Science (Gatton) (2330) Specialisation in Animal and Veterinary Bioscience / Extended
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Master of Audiology Studies (5145)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Studies in Religion/Extended
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Geological Sciences (Dual ...
Master of Engineering Science (5529)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Master of Social Work Studies (5458)
Master of International Relations (5640)
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Tourism
Bachelors of Engineering (Honours)/Economics (2346)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Public Health
Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (5645)
Master of Interaction Design (5580)
Master of Writing, Editing and Publishing (5680)
Bachelor of Oral Health (Honours) (2018)
Master of Biotechnology Research Extensive (5626)
Graduate Certificate in Governance and Public Policy (5364)
Master of International Commercial Law (5604)
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (5033)
Bachelors of Commerce/Laws (Honours) (2363)
Master of Dietetics Studies (5473)
Bachelors of Music (Honours)/Arts (2405)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Master of Engineering (2350)
Bachelors of Information Technology/Science (2228)
Graduate Certificate in Development Practice (5344)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Chemical Sciences (Dual Major)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Mechanical and Materials Engineering ( ...
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) (2368)
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) (2253)
Master of Applied Linguistics (5466)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Computational Science and Geographical Sciences (Dua ...
Master of Governance and Public Policy (5607)
Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Science (5612)
Master of Applied Linguistics (5465)
Master of Educational Studies (5596)
Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (Honours) (2326)
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management (5084)
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Archaeological Science / Extended
Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics (5557)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Mathematics and Physics Education
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (7501) in Biomedical Sciences
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) (2235)
Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours) (2413)
Master of Veterinary Science (5613)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Archaeology/Extended
Master of International Law (5658)
Master of Engineering (5674) in Software Engineering
Master of Development Practice (5346)
Bachelors of Business Management/Journalism (2274)
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) (2352)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (2342) Specialisation in Civil and Environmental Engineering (D ...
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (7500) in Business Information Systems
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (5518)
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Linguistics/Extended
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Japanese/Extended
Bachelor of Arts (2000) Specialisation in Ancient History/Extended
Bachelor of Science (2030) Specialisation in Plant Science
Master of Health Economics (5418)
Master of Financial Mathematics (5573)