Bachelor of Education in Secondary (Grades 8-12)
Master of Education - Multidisciplinary Leadership
Bachelor of Science Honours - Chemistry
Graduate Certificate in Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health
Bachelor of Commerce Major in Finance
Bachelor of Science Honours Major in Natural Resources Management - Wildlife and Fisheries
Master of Arts in Gender Studies
Bachelor of Arts Major in Northern Studies
Master of Arts in First Nations Studies
Master of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (MNRES)
Bachelor of Science Major in Computer science
BA Joint Major in Environmental Studies and Political Science
Bachelor of Commerce Major in Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Arts Major in Anthropology
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MA and MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies
Master of Education - Special Education
Certificate in Nisga’a Studies
Master of Social Work
Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Environmental Engineering
Master of Science in Mathematical, Computer, Physical and Molecular Sciences
Certificate in First Nations Language
Bachelor of Science Major in Environmental Science
Bachelor of Arts Major in Nature-Based Tourism Management
Bachelor of Science in Integrated Science
Bachelor of Health Sciences Major in Biomedical Studies
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Health Sciences
Bachelor of Arts Major in Global and International Studies
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Joint Major in Global and International Studies/Political Science
Joint Major in English/History
Bachelor of Arts Major in International Studies
Joint Major in Economics/Political Science
Master of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts in General
Bachelor of Science Major in Mathematics
Bachelor of Commerce Major in International Business
Bachelor of Commerce Major in Accounting
Joint Major in English/Women's Studies
Bachelor of Science Honours Major in Natural Resources Management - Outdoor Recreation and Conser ...
Joint Major in Chemistry/Mathematics
Certificate in Child Welfare
Master of Arts in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Science Major in Natural Resources Management - Forest Ecology and Management
Bachelor of Planning in Environmental Planning - Northern and Rural Community Planning
Certificate in Aboriginal / Indigenous Health and Healing
Bachelor of Arts Major in Environmental Studies
Master of Science in Health Sciences
Joint Major in Anthropology and Geography (BA)
Bachelor of Science Honours Major in Biology
Bachelor of Arts Major in Geography
Bachelor of Science Major in Natural Resources Management - Wildlife and Fisheries
Joint Major in Computer Science/Physics
Certificate in Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Bachelor of Arts Major in English
Joint Major in Chemistry/Physics
Bachelor of Commerce Major in Marketing
Bachelor of Arts Major in Public Administration and Community Development
BA and BSc Major in Economics
Bachelor of Arts Major in Women's Studies
Joint Major in Computer Science/Mathematics
Bachelor of Social Work - Child Welfare Specialization
Bachelor of Planning in Environmental Planning - Natural Resources Planning
Master of Arts in Development Economics
Joint Major in English/Political Science
Joint Major in Political Science/Women's Studies
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Anthropology
Master of Engineering in Integrated Wood Design
Joint Major in International Studies/Political Science
Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
BSc (Joint Major in Economics/Mathematics)
Certificate in General First Nations Studies
Bachelor of Social Work - First Nations Specialization
Bachelor of Science Honours - Environmental Science
Bachelor of Education in Elementary (Grades K-7)
Bachelor of Health Sciences Major in Community and Population Health
Bachelor of Science Major in Chemistry
Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science
BA Honours - History
Joint Major in Economics/Global and International Studies
Bachelor of Science Major in Geography
Bachelor of Science Honours Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bachelor of Science Honours - Mathematics
Graduate Certificate in Leading for Learning
Bachelor of Arts Major in History
Bachelor of Science Honours - Psychology
Bachelor of Science Major in Physics
Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours
Certificate in First Nations Public Administration
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Nature-Based Tourism Management
Joint Major in First Nations Studies/Women's Studies
Bachelor of Science Major in Biology
Bachelor of Science Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BA English and Environmental Studies
Diploma in Aboriginal / Indigenous Health and Healing
Certificate in Aboriginal Community Resource Planning
Joint Major in History/Women's Studies
Master of Science in Nursing: Thesis Stream
Bachelor of Science Major in Natural Resources Management - Outdoor Recreation and Conservation
Bachelor of Science Honours Major in Natural Resources Management - Forest Ecology and Management
Master of Arts in Disability Management
Bachelor of Science Honours - Computer Science
Master of Education - Counselling
Graduate Certificate in Special Education
Bachelor of Planning in Environmental Planning - First Nations Planning