Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing)
Master of Professional Accounting
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music (Classical Voice)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Graduate Certificate in Art History
Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Biomedical)
Master of Philosophy (Clinical Science)
Master of Finance and Business Economics
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil, Structural and Environmental)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Electrical)
Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business
Bachelor of Science in Soil Science and Spatial Information Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Sustainable Energy)
Bachelor of Teaching with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Electronic)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical and Pharmaceutical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Aerospace) with Bachelor of Science
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
Master of Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing)
Master of Arts (Curatorial and Museum Studies)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical)
Graduate Certificate in Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical - Sustainable Energy)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing)
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Corporate Finance
Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Master of Nursing Science (Acute Care Nursing)
Graduate Diploma in Translation and Transcultural Communication
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum and Mining)
Master of Nursing Science (Anaesthetics and Recovery Nursing)
Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology
Master of Philosophy (Public Health)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of International Development
Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Bachelor of Finance
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Environmental)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) and Bachelor of Arts
Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors)
Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of International Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining) with Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural) and Bachelor of Arts
Master of Music (Performance Studies)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic)
Master of Arts in Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural) with Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Commerce
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Policy and Management
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural)
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Master of Music (Performance and Pedagogy)
Master of Engineering (Civil and Environmental)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) with Bachelor of Finance
Master of Science (Petroleum Geoscience)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) and Bachelor of Arts
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
Master of Nursing Science (Renal Nursing)
Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
Master of Nursing Science (Intensive Care Nursing)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum and Mechanical)
Graduate Diploma in Education Studies
Master of Nursing Science (Burns Nursing)
Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Bachelor of Teaching with Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum) and Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining)
Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing
Master of Engineering (Civil and Structural)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Applied Biology
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music (Popular Music and Creative Technologies)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Environmental) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Com ...
Master of Applied Project Management
Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness
Graduate Certificate in Insolvency Law
Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
Graduate Certificate in Nursing Science (Infection Control Nursing)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Environmental) with Bachelor of Finance
Graduate Certificate in Business Law
Graduate Diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Graduate Certificate in Health Economics
Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Music (Popular Music and Creative Technologies)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Comput ...
Graduate Diploma in Health Economics
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Commerce in International Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Applied Project Management
Master of Computing and Innovation
Graduate Diploma in Music (Performance and Pedagogy)
Bachelor of Arts in International Business
Master of Philosophy (Medical Science)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical - Minerals Processing)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural) with Bachelor of Science
Master of Architecture with Master of Landscape Architecture
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Master of Engineering (Electronic)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Architectural)
Graduate Certificate in International Trade and Development
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Policy and Management
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) and Bachelor of Arts
Master of Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music (Music Performance - Jazz)
Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance
Bachelor of Music (Music Performance - Classical)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dentistry
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Civil and Environmental)
Bachelor of Commerce in Corporate Finance
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) with Bachelor of Mathematical and C ...
Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic) and Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Studies
Master of Petroleum Engineering
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Orthopaedic Nursing)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music (Musicology)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Bachelor of Finance
Master of Nursing Science (Perioperative Nursing)
Graduate Certificate in Global Food and Agricultural Business
Graduate Diploma in Business Law
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Mechatronic)
Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Knowledges and Society
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology
Graduate Diploma in Art History
Bachelor of Music (Music Education and Pedagogy)
Master of Applied Project Management (Project Systems)
Graduate Certificate in Applied Economics
Graduate Diploma in International Trade and Development
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Chemical)
Master of Engineering (Aerospace)
Bachelor of Arts in International Development
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Environmental) with Bachelor of Science
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music (Music Performance - Classical)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science in High Performance Computational Physics
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) with Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced)
Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology
Master of Arts in Creative Practice in Music
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Aerospace)
Master of Planning (Urban Design)
Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced)
Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Conservation Biology)
Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Graduate Diploma in Applied Economics
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing)
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Social Sciences
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Perioperative Nursing)
Master of Arts (Translation and Transcultural Communication)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum)
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Civil and Structural)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
Master of Accounting and Marketing
Master of International Management
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
Master of Health Economics and Policy
Bachelor of Arts in Geography, Environment and Population
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum and Chemical)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science (Emergency Nursing)
Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics
Graduate Certificate in Applied Project Management
Bachelor of Music (Music Performance - Jazz)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry
Graduate Diploma in Science (Ecotourism)
Bachelor of International Studies with Bachelor of Economics
Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology (Biomedical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Aerospace) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Co ...
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Sports)
Graduate Certificate in Family Enterprise
Bachelor of Arts in Indonesian Studies
Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience)
Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology)
Master of Engineering (Mechatronic)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic)
Master of Nursing Science (Oncology Nursing)
Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience)
Graduate Diploma in Global Food and Agricultural Business
Honours Degree of Bachelor of International Studies
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Aerospace)
Bachelor of Science in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
Bachelor of Science (Space Sc and Astrophysics)
Bachelor of Arts in Modern Greek Studies
Master of International Trade and Development
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Psychological Science
Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music (Music Education and Pedagogy)
Master of Biotechnology (Biomedical)
Master of Comparative Laws (Adelaide/Mannheim)