Cyber Security (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Digital Forensics and Cybercrime Analysis MSc
Film Production Technology (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)
Sound Design (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng
Policing and Criminal Investigation MSci
Computer Games Design and Programming BSc (Hons)
Digital Film and TV Production BA (Hons)
Health and Welfare Studies MPhil
Physical Activity and Public Health PGDip
Biomedical Science ( with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
English (two-year accelerated) BA (Hons)
Ecology and Conservation Practice BSc (Hons)
Web Development (top-up) BSc (Hons)
Network Computing (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Computer Networks and Security BSc (Hons)
Film, Television and Radio (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Professional Musical Theatre (Top-up) BA (Hons)
Network Computing (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Engineering (with a foundation year) BEng (Hons)
English and Creative Writing (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Accounting and Finance (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Paramedic Science (September entry Stafford) BSc (Hons)
Computer Games Design BEng (Hons)
Social Welfare Law, Policy and Advice Practice BA (Hons)
Nursing Practice (Mental Health)( September Entry Shrewsbury) BSc (Hons)
Art and Design (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Accounting and Finance (two-year accelerated) BA (Hons)
Forensic Computing (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Journalism (two-year accelerated) BA (Hons)
Health and Welfare Studies PhD
Electrical/Electronic Engineering MPhil
Performing Arts (Musical Theatre) FdA
Professional Engineering MSc
Graphic Communication (Graphic Design) BA (Hons)
Surface Pattern and Textile Design BA (Hons)
Mobile Device Application Development MSc
Applied Sport and Exercise Science MSc
Health and Social Care (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons)
Health Studies By Published Work MPhil
Sports Coaching (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Ecology and Conservation Practice (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Acting and Theatre Arts BA (Hons)
Theatre Practice by Negotiated Learning
Cartoon and Comic Arts BA (Hons)
Acting and Screen Performance BA (Hons)
Contemporary Creative Practice: Illustration (Top Up) BA (Hons)
Computing (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Sociology, Criminology and Deviance BA (Hons)
Sports Coaching and Physical Education FdSc
Esports (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
Biological Science (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Computing (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Electrical and Electronic Technology FdSc
Computer Networks and Security (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Business Information Technology BSc (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering (with a placement year) BEng (Hons)
Pharmaceutical Science (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Contemporary Creative Practice: Design Craft (Top Up) BA (Hons)
Computer Games Design (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Criminology with Offender Management BA (Hons)
Policing and Criminal Investigation BSc (Hons)
Contemporary Creative Practice: Fashion (Top Up) BA (Hons)
English and Creative Writing BA (Hons)
Computer Science (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Digital Film and Post Production Technology (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Music Technology (top-up) BSc (Hons)
Clinical Psychology Professional Doctorate
Sport and Exercise Psychology PGDip
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology MSc
Computing (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
3D Designer maker (Craft) BA (Hons)
Physical Activity and Public Health MSc
Contemporary Creative Practice: Dance and Theatre Arts (Top Up) BA (Hons)
Graphic Communication Illustration BA (Hons)
Business Management (with a foundation year) BA (Hons)
Forensic Biology (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Physical Activity and Public Health PGCert
Forensic Investigation (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Contemporary Creative Practice: Moving Image (Top Up) BA (Hons)
Sport and Exercise Psychology PGCert
Computer Games Development (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Mechanics of the Diabetic Foot PGCert
Sports Strength and Conditioning (two-year accelerated) BSc (Hons)
Software Engineering (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Terrorism, Crime and Global Society MA
Computer Games Programming (Virtual Reality) (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Youth and Children's Studies and Practical Theology BA (Hons)
Nursing Practice (Mental Health) (March Entry Stafford) BSc (Hons)
Education with Special Education Needs and Disability BEd (Hons)
Web Development (top up with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Computer Gameplay Design and Production BSc (Hons)
Sport Coaching and Sport Development (Top-Up) BA (Hons)
Pharmaceutical Science (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Graphic Design for Healthcare PGCert
Games Journalism and PR BA (Hons)
Computer Games Programming MSc
Contemporary Creative Practice: Photography (Top Up) BA (Hons)
Computer Networks and Security MSc
Chemistry (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Creative Futures: Textile Design
Computer Science (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Concept Art for Games and Film BA (Hons)
Sport and Exercise Psychology MSc
Computer Games Programming (Virtual Reality) BSc (Hons)
Aeronautical Engineering (with placement year) BEng
Motorsport Engineering (with a placement year) BEng
Psychology (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Computer Games Development (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Virtual Reality Design (with a placement year) BA (Hons)
Electrical/Electronic Engineering PhD
International Accounting And Financial Management
Creative Futures: Applied Theatre
Business Information Technology (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Nursing Practice (Adult) (September Entry Shrewsbury) BSc (Hons)
Early Childhood Studies with Special Education BA Edu (Hons)
Business Information Technology (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Football Coaching and Performance (Two year accelerated) BSc (Hons)
International Relations MA
Film and Television Production Technology FdSc
Web Design (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Creative Futures: Heritage And Culture
3D Designer Maker (Ceramics) BA (Hons)
Software Engineering (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Music Technology (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Web Design (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Arts and Creative Techonologies by Negotiated Learning
Health Psychology Professional Doctorate
Human Biology (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Creative Futures: Contemporary Art Practice
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with a placement year) BEng (Hons)
Nursing Practice (Adult) (September Entry Stafford) BSc (Hons)
Economics of Globalisation and European Integration (EGEI) MA
Marketing Management ( With foundation year) BA (Hons)
Islamic Finance and Accounting MSc
Psychology and Counselling BSc (Hons)
Computer Games Programming (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Contemporary Creative Practice: Fine Art (Top Up) BA (Hons)
Computer Networks and Security (with a foundation year) BSc (Hons)
Chemistry (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Forensic Science (with a placement year) BSc (Hons)
Business Management (two-year accelerated) BA (Hons)
Nursing Practice (Mental Health) (March Entry Shrewsbury) BSc (Hons)
Electronic Music (Composition and Performance) BA (Hons)